When Was Magnetic Robot Ga Keen Made (2025)


  • Dr. Kagetsu, director of the Earth System Research Institute, has successfully created GACKEEN THE MAGNETIC ROBOT in order to destroy the dreadful enemy.


2. Magnos The Robot (TV) - Anime News Network

  • Janus along with the man's daughter Esther pilot two magnetic robots that together form the powerful robot Ga-keen. ... made it to get a decent screencap.

  • Series Director: Tomoyoshi Katsumada

3. Magnerobo Ga-Keen - MyAnimeList.net

4. Magne Robo Gakeen (Anime) - TV Tropes

  • The anime ran from September 5, 1976 to June 26, 1977, ending at 36 episodes. Episodes aired every Sunday from 6:00 to 6:25 PM on NET, and then, TV Asahi.

  • Magne Robo Gakeen (マグネロボ・ガ・キーン) is a …

5. Magnos The Robot, I Suppose - let's anime

  • 14 feb 2011 · MAGNOS THE ROBOT aka MAGNETIC ROBO GAKEEN, a mid-1970s Toei giant robot show that combines all the classic elements of Japanese anime ...

  • Japanese animation, anime, cartoons, manga, 1960-1990, Tezuka, Miyazaki, Ishinomori, Matsumoto, Yamato, Gatchaman, Star Blazers, Captain Harlock

6. #187 : Magnos the Robot – The Classic Anime Museum

  • 19 apr 2020 · The story is very typical mid 1970s super robot anime having a small group of humans fight against an alien invading force to protect the Earth and it's ...

  • If this is the best I can do for a substitute for Magne Robo Gakeen, I may just stop right here. Magnos the Robot is a condensed localization I found my via a bargain bin DVD, though I am sure it m…

7. Magne Robo Gakeen | Manga Wiki - Fandom

  • Bevat niet: made | Resultaten tonen met:made

  • Magne Robo Gakeen (マグネロボ・ガ・キーン Magunerobo Ga Kiin?) is a Japanese anime television series that aired from 1976 to 1977 in Japan. There were 39 episodes. It is also referred to as "Magnerobo Ga-Keen", "'Gakeen Supermagnetron", "'Gakeen Magnetic Robot", "Robotman Gakeen", "Gakeen". Outside of Japan, several episodes were edited and cobbled together into a movie-length feature, and in this format it is also known as Magnos the Robot or Renegade Force. Doctor Kazuki, who perceived of an invasion of

8. Magnos: The Robot (Anime) - aniSearch.com

  • Magnos: The Robot (1976). Magnerobo Ga-Keen / マグネロボ ガ・キーン. OverviewStreamsForumRatingsMerchandise · Characters ...

  • Information about the anime Magnos: The Robot (Magnerobo Ga-Keen) from studio Toei Animation Co., Ltd. with the main genre Action

9. More Giant Robots! | - Cartoon Research

  • 1 sep 2013 · 39 episodes, September 5, 1976 to June 26, 1977. Doctor Kazuki builds a giant magnetic robot to fight the Izaru space invaders. Ga-Keen was ...

10. Magne-Robo Gakeen | Brave Saga Wiki - Fandom

  • Magne Robo Gakeen (マグネロボ・ガ・キーン, Magunerobo Ga Kiin) is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. It is the third installment ...

  • Magne Robo Gakeen (マグネロボ・ガ・キーン, Magunerobo Ga Kiin) is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. It is the third installment to Takara's Magne-Robo Franchise. It aired from TV Asahi from September 5, 1976 to June 26, 1977, with a total of 39 episodes.

11. Your Bad Anime Night Needs: Magnos the Robot

  • 27 aug 2013 · Magnos is an American adaptation of Magunerobo Ga Kiin (Magn-Robo Gakeen), a 1976 super-robot show by Toei Animation.

  • What is it? Magnos is an American adaptation of Magunerobo Ga Kiin (Magn-Robo Gakeen), a 1976 super-robot show by Toei Animation. The series is set in an

12. Magnerobo Ga-Keen ( Magnetic Robot Ga-Keen / Super Magnetron )

  • [Anime]Magnerobo Ga-Keen ( Magnetic Robot Ga-Keen / Super Magnetron ). Cool ... Made me think, 33%, 1/3. Interesting, 33%, 1/3. Sexy, 0%, 0/3. Brave, 0%, 0/3.

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When Was Magnetic Robot Ga Keen Made (2025)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.