What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (2024)

Transitioning from your senior year to college brings unfamiliarity; sometimes, you have to move away from home, which means being far away from family and friends.

College clubs and organizations like sororities provide a way to ease integration and expose you to social activities that make meeting and making friends somewhat easier.

Read on to learn more about sororities and their impact on your college and post-college life.

Table Of Contents+

  • What Is A Sorority?
  • What Is A Sorority Girl?
  • Why Do People Join Sororities?
  • What Is The Head Of A Sorority Called?
  • How Many Girls Are In A Sorority?
  • How To Dress Like A Sorority Girl
    • Rush week outfit ideas
    • Preppy sorority look
    • Recruitment day outfit ideas
    • Spirit week outfit ideas
    • Football game outfit
  • How To Be A Sorority Girl
    • Rushing
    • Pledge
    • Hazing and Initiation
  • What Do Sororities Do?
  • Benefits Of Being In A Sorority?
  • Are Sororities Bad?
  • Related Sorority Questions
    • Do I have to be pretty to be in a sorority?
    • Is it easy to get into a sorority?
    • How many girls get into sororities?
    • Do you have to pay to be in a sorority?

What Is A Sorority?

A sorority is a social organization for female students found in colleges or universities. Sorority members often consider themselves sisters because of their shared values, goals, and interests.

Sororities offer a support system for their members, fostering lifelong friendships and networking opportunities. They also provide opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and community service.

Sororities often have their own rituals, traditions, and symbols and are identified by Greek letters that are unique to each organization.

Membership in a sorority is typically obtained through a recruitment process, which involves meeting with members of different sororities and selecting the one that best fits one’s interests and values.

Men have similar groups called fraternities.

What Is A Sorority Girl?

What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (1)

A sorority girl is a young woman who is part of a particular sorority group in college. The ladies refer to each other as sorority sisters because the word “Sorority” is derived from the Greek word “soror,” which means sister. By joining a social sorority, these ladies form a sisterhood bond.

Sorority girls are often known for their involvement in campus activities, academic achievements, leadership roles, and community service.

They may also be known for their close-knit friendships with other sorority members and their participation in sorority-specific events and traditions.

Stereotypes of sorority girls vary widely and can be both positive and negative, ranging from images of academically-focused, philanthropic young women to more negative associations with partying, excessive drinking, and shallow behavior.

However, it’s important to remember that stereotypes do not define individuals and that sorority women are diverse individuals with their own unique personalities, interests, and goals.

Why Do People Join Sororities?

Female college students join sororities to meet, make new friends, and be part of a “family.” In a sorority, you get a support network of people who will be there when you need help, mentorship, and network connections that will be helpful during and after college. Sororities dominate many colleges. By being part of sorority life, you may also gain social status.

What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (2)

People join sororities for a variety of reasons, but some of the most common ones include the following:

  1. Friendship and social connections: Sororities provide a sense of community and belonging that can be especially important for people who are new to a college or university or are looking to expand their social circles.
  2. Housing: many chapters offer housing where the sorority girls live during their college years. These are fantastic options and sometimes even less expensive than off campus housing.
  3. Social activities: Being part of a sorority provides access to social activities, including parties.
  4. Professional and personal development: Sororities often offer leadership opportunities, networking events, and other resources that can help members develop skills and achieve their career goals.
  5. Philanthropy and community service: Many sororities have a strong focus on giving back to the community through volunteer work, fundraising, and other charitable initiatives.
  6. Academic support: Sororities often provide academic resources such as study groups, tutoring, and mentorship programs to help members succeed academically.
  7. Tradition and legacy: Some people join sororities because their family members were members or because they want to carry on a tradition of involvement in a particular organization.

Ultimately, joining a sorority can be a rewarding experience that offers a variety of benefits and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

What Is The Head Of A Sorority Called?

The head of a sorority is called a “sorority president.” The President is the face and representative of the sorority at college functions.

The President is the highest-ranking officer in the sorority and is responsible for overseeing the organization and its activities.

They are often elected by the members of the sorority and serve a term of one or more years, depending on the sorority’s bylaws.

The President works closely with other officers and members of the sorority to plan events, manage finances, and ensure that the organization is meeting its goals and objectives.

They may also represent the sorority in meetings with other organizations or campus officials and serve as a liaison between the sorority and its alumni or national organization.

The President is a critical leadership position within a sorority and requires strong communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills.

She is expected to keep all sorority members in check, ensuring they follow the sorority rules.

How Many Girls Are In A Sorority?

The number of girls in a sorority varies according to the size of the college and the number of sororities. They can range from 40 – 100 or more sororities sisters in one sorority.

Membership is often determined by a combination of factors, including the size of the sorority house or meeting space, the organization’s resources, and the demand for membership.

Sororities generally have a limit on how many members they can accept, which is often set by their national headquarters. The number of members may be determined by several factors, including financial resources, housing availability, or meeting space capacity.

The final number is decided after the cut ensuring only ladies willing to abide by the fraternity rules and the way of Greek life are accepted.

The number of girls in a sorority can influence the organization’s culture and dynamics. Smaller sororities may have a tighter-knit community and more opportunities for individual leadership roles, while larger sororities may offer a wider range of social events and networking opportunities.

When choosing a sorority, prospective members should consider the size of the organization.

How To Dress Like A Sorority Girl

The way a sorority girl dresses can vary depending on factors such as the sorority’s culture, the college or university’s dress code, and individual preferences.

However, I’ve listed some outfit ideas for different looks and events below:

Rush week outfit ideas

What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (3)

The rush day is a big day for anyone looking for a sorority house to pledge; you only get one chance to make a first good impression, strive to stand out, and make a great impression. Go for a cute, comfortable outfit and shoes that you feel confident in.

Preppy sorority look

What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (4)

Typical sorority girls have to dress in a way that represents their house well. Most of them go for the preppy looks that are usually complimented with a sweater tied around the neck.

Recruitment day outfit ideas

What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (5)

Many sororities have a color associated with their house; on the recruitment day, they can easily be differentiated and told apart from the color of their outfits. If not in similar colored outfits, they might wear matching t-shirts.

Spirit week outfit ideas

What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (6)

In addition to boosting morale and creating more friendships, spirit week creates another opportunity to dress up in cute clothes. Look at older photos on the sororities’ socials to get an idea of their everyday outfit themes. Matching outfits is often a great idea for spirit week.

Football game outfit

You can show support for your team during a football game by dressing up in color-themed outfits. It may be even better if you have a school jersey or something with the school logo or emblem.

How To Be A Sorority Girl


What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (8)

You become a sorority girl by “rushing” at your preferred sorority. The rush process usually happens at the beginning of the year and is open to anyone willing to be part of Greek life.

There are often several steps involved in a rush, especially if the school is large. Rushees will attend parties, perform skits, discuss sisterhood, and try to make a mark on the sisters.

During the vetting process, things that are looked at might include your GPA and extracurricular activities that you were involved in while in high school.

Following the activities, sorority sisters will discuss and vote on which applicants they would like to offer spots to. These applicants will then be asked to join the sorority with a formal bid.

Watch the video for great sorority rush advice:


If you accept a bid from a specific chapter, you become a “pledge.” After you become a pledge, you are expected to learn about the sorority, interact with the other sorority sisters, and actively participate in activities within the club or those that need the chapter represented in other college activities. This period often runs for a semester and allows you to prove that you belong.

Hazing and Initiation

In some institutions, this is the point where hazing occurs, but Greek life does not allow or support hazing of any kind.

During a hazing, pledges often have to perform degrading or humiliating tasks to show their allegiance, such as binge drinking, going without sleep, or wearing certain clothing.

What Do Sororities Do?

Sororities’ primary purpose is to create an ease of social integration into college life. That being said, many people perceive them as a social club where college students just party and drink all the time or have direct access to parties.

In a way, this holds some truth; considering the considerable number of members in a single sorority, it’s easy to get together, chip in and organize a great party with free-flowing alcohol and food. It is, however, just a byproduct of the original intention.

Being of service is also one of its purposes. It will be considered going against rules in some institutions if a sorority does not contribute a certain number of hours to charity work. A sorority is expected to contribute heavily to the community; otherwise, they might be fined or have their charter revoked if it does not meet the target service hours.

To be able to donate to said charitable organizations, sororities plan and organize events geared towards making money, such as bake sales or car wash drives. Besides contributing primarily to one’s social life and charity work, they play a significant role in achieving and maintaining a good GPA.

Take a look inside a sorority mansion in the video below:

Benefits Of Being In A Sorority?

One of the most significant benefits of being in a sorority is having a group of “ready” friends for life. Imagine being away from your friends and family and surviving in a new environment. Having friends with whom you share the same ideology and goals makes for an easier transition and provides a sense of belonging.

In addition to being socially developed, you will be able to know of any internships or job-opening from the alum family of the sorority. From older members, you can get mentorship, interviewing skills, resume writing tips, and network connections to professionals.

Some financial costs, such as chapter dues and new member fees, are usually associated with being part of a sorority, which is used to provide better housing than school dormitories or off-campus housing. In addition to better chapter house accommodation, you get better food.

By being part of Greek life, you are expected to maintain high academic standards. A certain level of study discipline is a must to be within the acceptable range of GPA that you cannot slack on it; thankfully, within the sorority, some rules and structures ensure you study and get assistance to maintain average chapter grades.

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What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (9)

Are Sororities Bad?

Sororities are not bad, but there are some cases where some have been known to operate outside the acceptable legal and moral values. Some individuals might join a fraternity and lack discipline and the ability to conform to Greek life.

Chapters have a code of ethics and standards that requires every member to conduct and carry themselves with principles, respect for tradition, and authority within the chapter and on campus. If an irresponsible individual who lacks integrity and tends to mistreat others is a sorority member, they will indeed portray the sorority negatively.

Just like organizations and groups found not within a college set-up, some are bound to be involved in questionable activities. Before becoming a chapter woman, when choosing a sorority, do enough research before rushing and pledging.

There have been cases where some sororities have had their charters revoked by the university. Others have wholly been disbanded due to a bad reputation. However, this does not downplay all the numerous and enormous benefits of being affiliated with a sorority and the positive experiences.

Watch these women share their sorority horror stories in the video below:

Do I have to be pretty to be in a sorority?

No, you do not have to be pretty to be in a sorority. Sororities are social organizations that are focused on values, community service, and personal growth rather than on appearance or physical attractiveness.

Individuals in sororities have a variety of backgrounds, personalities, and interests, and membership is determined by factors such as shared values, goals, and involvement in the community. Sorority members are not selected based on their appearance or physical attractiveness.

While media and stereotypes may perpetuate the idea that sorority members are primarily focused on appearance, this is not reflective of the reality of most sororities.

Watch this video below to see how sorority girls answer this question:

Is it easy to get into a sorority?

Compared to joining a fraternity getting into a sorority is not easy; however, it also depends on the sorority you pick. The vetting process after rushing and pledging takes longer for the more popular sororities. The good thing is that they are usually several to choose from; all you have to do is find one that is the right fit for you.

Generally, the process of joining a sorority involves attending recruitment events and meeting with members of different sororities to determine which organization is the best fit for the potential new member (PNM). The recruitment process typically takes place over several days and involves a series of events such as meet and greets, social events, bonding activities, and formal interviews.

While sorority recruitment can be a competitive process, the level of difficulty can vary depending on factors such as the number of sororities on campus, the number of PNMs interested in joining a sorority, and the sorority’s own selection process.

Ultimately, the process of joining a sorority can be competitive and involve a significant time commitment, and does incur certain costs as well.

How many girls get into sororities?

The number of girls that get into sororities depends on how many girls they need to perform their functions successfully.

The number of potential new members who are invited to join a sorority will depend on the sorority’s own selection process, as well as the number of available spots in the organization.

The maximum number of members that a sorority chapter can recruit will depend on the chapter total set out by their organization’s national headquarters.

Do you have to pay to be in a sorority?

Yes, sorority members are typically required to pay membership dues, which cover the costs of running the organization and participating in sorority events and activities.

The amount of membership dues can vary depending on the sorority and the college or university, but it is typically several hundred to several thousand dollars per year.

The exact breakdown of membership dues can vary depending on the organization, but it may include costs such as:

  • National and local dues: Sororities are typically part of larger national organizations, and members may be required to pay dues to both the national and local chapters.
  • Housing costs: Some sororities have their own housing facilities, and members who live in the sorority house may be required to pay additional fees for room and board.
  • Event fees: Sororities often organize social events, philanthropy events, and other activities that may require additional fees for participation.
  • Insurance fees: Sororities may require members to pay for liability or other types of insurance coverage.

For members who cannot afford to pay membership dues, many sororities offer financial assistance. Some individuals may find that membership in a sorority offers a variety of benefits and opportunities for professional and personal growth that are well worth the investment.

Remember that you do not have to be in a sorority if you don’t want. It’s not a mandatory requirement, and sometimes the time-consuming activities that go hand in hand with being in one might get in the way of your school workload, which is the main reason for being on campus.

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What Is A Sorority Girl? (How To Join, Plus Pros & Cons) (2024)
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