For employees | HCA Florida (2025)

Employee links and resources

Benefits and healthy work environment

Learn about HCA’s benefits and our healthy work environment.

Learn about HCA Rewardskeyboard_arrow_right

Electronic paystub (e-stub)

Keep track of your wages and PTO from this helpful website. You can get information 24/7 and paystubs are posted on the Thursday before payday.

Access your facility electronic paystubkeyboard_arrow_right

Facility scheduler

In order to access the scheduler, your computer must use Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher. If you do not use Internet Explorer, you will not be able to access the site. To determine your IE version, open your internet browser, click on "Help" and then select "About Internet Explorer." The version will be displayed in the information screen.

Access your facility schedulerkeyboard_arrow_right

Good Government Group (GGG)

The GGG is a grassroots employee organization, made up of HCA staff throughout Florida and we welcome the participation of our friends, family, physicians and volunteers in helping to improve healthcare in Florida. GGG provides a unique way for all our staff to become informed, involved, and politically active.

Learn more about the GGGkeyboard_arrow_right

HCA Hope Fund

The HCA Hope Fund is an employee-run, employee-supported 501(c)3 charity. The goal of the HCA Hope Fund is simple: to help HCA employees and their immediate families who are affected by hardship. This includes disasters, extended illness/injury and other special situations. The fund provides emergency information, referrals and/or financial aid. HCA employees, vendors, affiliated physicians and the general public can make tax-deductible donations to the fund.

Learn more about the HCA Hope Fundkeyboard_arrow_right

HealthStream employee education

Use HealthStream to browse training opportunities offered through HCA Healthcare.

Log in to HealthStreamkeyboard_arrow_right

Professional Advancement for Clinical Excellence (PACE) Program

The PACE Program is designed to attract and retain outstanding professional nurses who provide care within the professional practice model. These efforts are directed toward improving healthcare for our community, enhancing the mission of our organization, and striving for personal and professional growth.

Employment verification options

Option one

Visit Thomas and Company and select “Request Employment and Wage Verification” (green button) on the home page. The requesting party will be charged a nominal processing fee. Provide the company code HCA747 and the employee’s social security number.

Access the Thomas and Company site

Option two

Call the Verifications Department to submit a request and make alternate payment arrangements (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, check or money order). Provide the company code HCA747 and the employee’s social security number.

Call the Verifications Department

For further assistance contact:

T&C Verifications Department
PO Box 280100, Nashville, TN 37228


Safety and security

We all have an important role to play in making sure our environment is safe for our patients and our employees. Our physical security program is focused on implementing innovative, value-added solutions that help colleagues deliver high-quality services in a threat-free workplace. Our goal is to provide protection and security to our patients, people, systems and facilities.

Security staff

Our Security Team is made up of uniformed officers from Allied Universal Services, the Gainesville Police Department, and the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office.

Security Communications Center (SECOM)

Our Security Communications Desk is a located inside the main lobby and is staffed at all times to answer phone calls and assist patients, visitors, and staff. You may contact SECOM at (352) 333-4822.

Personal safety tips

Below are some tips to help keep yourself safe:

  • Lock your car doors and always keep valuables you might leave inside your car hidden from view.
  • When possible, travel to/from your car in groups. Security escorts are available at (352) 333-4822.
  • Do not bring valuables with you to the hospital. If you must do so, secure them. If you are a patient, your nurse can call security so that your valuables can be stored while you are here.
  • Program the SECOM phone number, (352) 333-4822, into your cell phone so you can call from anywhere if you need assistance.
  • If you see something, say something. Call for help if you experience anything threatening, unsafe, or alarming.
Emergency preparedness

We conduct an annual Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) to assess potential threats to our operations and preparedness. The HVA guides our planning and training activities. We revise our Comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan (CEMP) each year and submit it to the Alachua County Department of Emergency Management for approval.

Occupational health

Our occupational health department is a function within human resources. The Director of Occupational Health serves as the hospital’s Employee Injury Coordinator and is tasked with assessing employee work practices, equipment selections, ergonomics and many other functions essential to a healthy work environment.

Contact information

For an urgent security response, call SECOM at (352) 333-4822 (*34822 from a hospital phone) or the Employee Emergency Status Line, active only during emergencies, at (352) 313-8777.

Scan the QR code above to download the SECOM phone number!

Dress code initiative

Defined dress codes have consistently proven to be a best practice that directly affects patient safety and satisfaction. Consistent and recognizable uniforms allow patients and their family members to easily identify caregivers and hospital staff, reducing unnecessary anxiety during what can be a vulnerable and critical time.

A key piece of this identification is the department name/logo embroidered on the scrubs/uniforms. In order to maintain the consistent appearance across our facilities, it is required that all scrubs be embroidered with according department names/logos. Additionally, departments have been placed in specific uniform categories, with each having different instructions for what they can wear with regard to scrub color, polos, khakis, etc.

Exceptions to the scrub/uniform titles are not under consideration, but if you own scrubs that are your department's color, you can take those to Logo Kick for the required embroidery.If an employee transfers to another department, the employee will need to buy new uniforms with the new department specific name/logo. The outlined scrub categories are defined as follows:

  • Clinical support staff — hunter green scrub top and scrub pant for nurse techs, monitor techs, unit secretaries, OR assistants and OR secretaries
  • Emergency services, express ER and company care — steel grey scrub top and scrub pant for all ER staff including RN/LPNs, nurse techs and unit secretaries
  • Food and nutritional services (FANS) — black polo and FANS bottoms for all staff, excluding Clinical Dieticians
  • New Beginnings labor and delivery, postpartum and NICU — galaxy blue scrub top and scrub pant for RNs and LPNs
  • Non-RN clinical professionals — black scrub top and scrub pant for respiratory therapists, radiology techs, laboratory/medical technologists, cath lab techs, non-invasive lab techs, sleep lab techs, pharmacy techs and surgical techs
  • Nursing — royal blue scrub top and pant for RNs and LPNs in all areas unless otherwise designated
  • Other clinical professionals — black scrub top and pant, as well as white lab coats with professional business attire, if preferred, for clinical dietitians, pharmacists and outpatient clinics (except SHC)
  • Patient transportation — wine scrub top and scrub pant
  • PBX/communications — light blue polo and sandstone jacket
  • Plant operations — strong blue polo or button-down with navy pants
  • Rehab services — navy blue scrub top and pant for physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and rehab techs
  • Senior healthcare — grape scrub top and pant
  • Senior healthcare — purple/lilac polo or button-down with black or khaki bottoms
  • Volunteer services — navy polos for men and oink smocks for women

All employees are asked to adhere to the dress code at all times while working, including when only in the facility to attend meetings.

Restrictions to know

In order to maintain our commitment to patient-centered care through our outlined dress code, certain restrictions must be enforced. They include the following:

  • Closed-toe shoes with slip-resistant soles are required. Shoes must meet OSHA requirements and be either brown, grey, black, white or color-matching to the appropriate scrub/uniform color. Crocs with holes and Mary Jane’s are therefore not permitted – even if the holes are filled with ornamentation. Orthotic shoes are acceptable, as long as they meet color and OSHA requirements.
  • Scrub jackets are included in the dress code to ensure that employees are able to stay warm while on duty. Shirts may be worn under the scrub top, as long as they are black, white or color-matching. Jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, hoodies and t-shirts, even those with the hospital or department logos, are not permitted.
  • Hair color will be maintained within the range of natural colors, and pulled back while in clinical areas.
  • Body art should be covered and visible piercings should be removed while on duty. Ear piercings are allowed, but are limited to two per ear.
  • Routine “Casual days” are not included in the dress code policy, including holiday apparel. Denim wear (jeans) are not allowed. Exceptions to these rules may be made by Administration for certain limited and specified occasions.
  • Hats or Caps are not acceptable, unless approved with your uniform. However, surgical caps must be color coordinated with your uniform, and may not include graphics, prints or logos other than that of the hospital.

As is communicated during onboarding, all new employees must pay for their uniforms. New employees are provided an authorization form with all required color and logo information, which they bring when making their purchase as LogoKick, located conveniently close to the hospital in the Home Depot shopping center off of Tower Road.

For employees | HCA Florida (2025)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.