24-Hour Massage Near Me - Late Night Massage Open Now (2025)

Are you tense from work but don't have time to visit a massage parlor during regular hours? Then you need to use Booksy to search for a 24-hour massage parlor! You'll be able to identify the massage studios in your area that operate 24/7. Now you can finally get a thorough massage to relieve your stress and tension. Booksy also allows you to compare each locations' prices and services to find the best deals. You can also book an appointment online without having to pick up the phone. We take things a step further by allowing you to specify your preferred provider. Booksy makes it effortless to find 24-hour massage parlors in your area!

24-Hour Massage Near Me - Late Night Massage Open Now (1)

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24-Hour Massage Near Me - Late Night Massage Open Now (2)

What is a 24-Hour Massage?

A 24-hour Massage parlor is an establishment that offers massages and never closes. They have staff rotating out shifts that go for the entire 24-hour cycle. These massage studios are ideal for employees that work overnight or during off-hours. If you find yourself in need of a massage, but it's 3:00 AM, then you need a 24-hour massage studio. Using Booksy is the quickest way to find 24-hour massage parlors that are close to your area. What to Expect During a 24-Hour Massage?You can expect all the services that you'd find in a regular massage parlor. They will have lots of amenities there to help you relax. These include soothing music and sounds, incense sticks, and hot towels. It's a good idea to bring a change of clothes with you, as you'll disrobe to receive your massage. A 24-hour massage parlor will never close, so you can visit at any time of the day or night. How to Find the Best 24-Hour Massage?If you want to find the absolute best 24-hour massage parlor in your area, you need to use Booksy. No other tool allows you to view and compare prices and services from all the providers in your area. We also feature average user scores and detailed user reviews. To make things easier for you, we've listed the highest-rated results at the top of each page. You can identify the top results as they will carry a Booksy recommendation!What are the Different Types of Massages Available at a 24-Hour Parlor?A 24-hour massage parlor will offer the same types of massages as regular parlors. There are sports massages for injuries, hot stone massages for relaxing, and more. If you have chronic knots or pain, you need either a deep tissue massage or a Swedish massage. Some parlors may offer deals such as a massage/facial combo. It really varies from location to location, so make sure that you use Booksy to find an option that works best for you.How Do I Make an Appointment for a 24-Hour Massage?Booksy makes it effortless to make an appointment at a massage parlor. Type in your location and preferred appointment time, and you'll get a complete list of results. From there, you can view each studio's prices, services offered, and user reviews. Making an appointment is also quite simple. You can view their available appointment times and select the one that works for you. Not only that, but you can specify which masseuse you'd like to see during your visit. How Much Does a 24-Hour Massage Cost?It depends on what each 24-hour massage studio will charge. In general, most charge the same prices as they do at regular massage parlors. As a result, sports and medical massages are your cheapest options. They run anywhere from $80 - $100. For Swedish and deep tissue massages, they're in the $200 - $300 price range. When you use Booksy, you can compare these prices on the fly. That way, you can locate a massage parlor within your price range.ArticlesWhat is a shiatsu massageHealth benefits of back massage4 relaxing massagesThe benefits of acupressureWhat Is Reiki Healing?

Popular treatments

Deep Tissue Massage

Swedish Massage

Relaxation Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Lymphatic Massage

Ayurvedic Massage

Head Massage

Hot Stone Massage

Full Body Massage

Prenatal Massage

Sports Massage

Foot Massage

Body Massage

Couples Massage

Back Massage

Thai Massage

Hands Massage

Reiki Massage

Anti-Cellulite Massage

Shiatsu Massage

Medical Massage

Neck Massage

Face Massage

Lomi Lomi Massage

Chinese Massage

Asian Massage

Pregnancy massage

Oriental Massage

24-Hour Massage Near Me - Late Night Massage Open Now (2025)


Should I get a massage at night? ›

Relieves Stress: An evening is the best time for a massage that can help unwind and release the tension built up from daily activities. Promotes Better Sleep: Evening massages are excellent for sleep issues. The relaxation induced by a massage can improve sleep quality by easing the transition into deeper sleep states.

What is the best day to get a massage? ›

If you live an active life, you should plan your massage on your rest days. Getting a decent massage when you're inactive is the ideal option. Unless a trainer recommends getting a sports massage during an active day, the best time to get a massage is on your off days.

What is going for a full body massage? ›

One of the most common reasons people book a full body massage is to reduce any ongoing stress and anxiety. The combination of gentle massage strokes and deeply relaxing music can help you to relax, ease any physical tension, and help to improve your mental wellbeing.

What to do while getting a massage? ›

Take off only as much clothing as you are comfortable removing. If you don't want to remove your clothing, wear clothing that will be comfortable during the massage and will allow the massage therapist to touch and move the areas of your body you expect will need to be massaged.

Do you turn over during a massage? ›

Even with a full-body massage, most of you stays covered most of the time. Your therapist will unwrap your arm and shoulder, for instance, or uncover your leg while she massages that part of your body. When she needs you to turn over, she will hold the towel up as a screen so you can turn over in private.

What is sleep massage? ›

A relaxation massage is a relaxation technique that has aided humans to sleep for centuries now. This type of massage uses flowing movements and eases stress and pain. By getting a relaxation massage, our bodies go into a state of relaxation and thus we tend to doze off.

Do you wear clothes for full body massage? ›

Dress down to your comfort level.

Rest assured that your massage therapist will keep your body covered up the entire time. If they're not working on a particular area, it will stay covered up underneath a blanket or sheet. If you don't want to take any of your clothes off, let your massage therapist know.

What is the most favorite body part to be massaged? ›

The most favourite part of the body to be massaged is... the back! The survey results are in and the back took top position as the most favourite part of the body to be massaged followed by the shoulders.

Do you take everything off for a full body massage? ›

It's a good idea not to remove all of your clothing unless your therapist has requested you do so. Removing too much clothing can create an uncomfortable situation for both you and your massage therapist. Another important thing to avoid during a massage is making noises.

How many clothes do you take off for a massage? ›

For some people that means leaving some clothing on. For others, it means taking it all off. There is no right or wrong, this is your massage. With this type of massage, since there's so much movement and stretching, I require you stay fully clothed, and wear loose comfortable clothing.

When not to do a massage? ›

Here are the conditions that fall into these category;
  • Fever. Anytime you have a fever, whether from a cold, the flu or some other infection, you should not get a massage. ...
  • Contagious Diseases. ...
  • Blood Clots. ...
  • Pregnancy. ...
  • Kidney Conditions or Liver Conditions. ...
  • Cancer. ...
  • Inflammation. ...
  • Uncontrolled Hypertension.

What do guys wear during a massage? ›

Dress what you're comfortable with, and never let a massage specialist force you to remove clothing. Some massages will require you to remove a few clothing layers, but you will always have the option of wearing your underwear or swimsuit if that's preferable.

Is it okay to get a massage in the evening? ›

It may be the calmest, least busy part of your day while also aligning with goals for unwinding before bed. Getting a massage in the evening is great for stress relief as well as for helping your body recover from the normal wear and tear of the day.

When should you not get a massage? ›

If you have skin rashes or a sunburn then you should not get a massage. The skin rashes that are contagious or sensitive should not be massaged. A sunburn is also contraindicated for massage therapy, and the sunburn should be healed first. If you have uncontrolled inflammation you may not want to get a massage.

Is it good to massage before sleeping? ›

Massage has been anecdotally known to help with sleep for years, and now research is starting to back it up too. Studies have tended to focus on particular types of insomnia related to specific issues. For example, it's been shown to help post-menopausal women whose sleep is disrupted by changes in hormone levels.

Should you get a massage before or after dinner? ›

It is generally recommended to eat a light meal or snack about 1 to 2 hours before your massage session. This allows enough time for your body to digest the food and ensures that you have enough energy during the massage.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 5371

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.